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Kindness day

Polish school of Zabreze


On 5th December 2019 class 1cg under the supervision of the school psychologist organised the Kindness Day. The aim of this day was to show the school community that it is important to be kind, nice and friendly to one another as it makes life much easier and pleasant. Posters with positive and nice quotations where hung around the school. Students had “nice” tasks to do e.g. give somebody a hug, smile at somebody, say something nice to a person they don’t know. All the people at school could vote for the most friendly and nicest class and students could vote for the kindest teacher at school.


Moreover, students brought toys which will be given seriously ill children with cancer and heart problems who have to stay in hospital. Students also prepared Christmas cards for those children.

Job creation skills

In our school all students have regular classes connected with career guidance during which

they discuss issues like job and educational markets or jobs needed in the future. They also do

psychological tests and quizzes connected with their hobbies, job interests and character

features which are aimed at helping them to choose the right direction of studies. During these

lessons students learn how to deal with stress and changes in life and how to communicate

and solve conflicts in a group. All first-grade students had the opportunity to do a test which

helped them to choose the subjects which they will be taught at the extended level in next

school year.

If anybody feels the need they can talk to the teachers responsible for the career guidance and

get some personal advice on making decisions about their career choice and further education.

Our school also cooperates with Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa (Katowice Business

University) in Katowice and Politechnika Śląska (Silesian Technical University) in Gliwice.

There are regular meetings organised for students with the lecturers and professors who

describe the courses organised at these universities and talk about projects which take place


National Art Competition Castles and Palaces in Poland

This spring the students from our school took part in a national art competition entitled “Castles and Palaces in Poland” which was organized by Powiatowy Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury in Będzin. The students were supposed to show a Polish castle or a palace using a technique of their choice. They could draw a sketch, paint a picture, engrave or make a sculpture.

The aim of this competition was to awake creativity in children and make children active in an artistic way as well as develop their artistic sensitivity and give them the possibility to exchange their artistic experiences.

Τhe info about the competition “Castles and Palaces in Poland”

The student from our school who prepared the 3D picture of the castle  Krzyżtopór won the first prize in the national art competition “Castles and Palaces in Poland” in her age category.

Belgijka dancing - Poland- 9/06/21

Today, after a long period of staying at home, the students from our school had a chance to participate in a school dancing of "belgijka" dance. There were a lot of students who took part in the event and had a lot of fun.

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In our school all students have regular classes connected with career guidance during which they discuss issues like job and educational markets or jobs needed in the future. They also do psychological tests and quizzes connected with their hobbies, job interests and character features which are aimed at helping them to choose the right direction of studies. During these lessons students learn how to deal with stress and changes in life and how to communicate and solve conflicts in a group. All first-grade students had the opportunity to do a test which helped them to choose the subjects which they will be taught at the extended level in next school year.

If anybody feels the need they can talk to the teachers responsible for the career guidance and get some personal advice on making decisions about their career choice and further education.

Our school also cooperates with Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa (Katowice Business University) in Katowice and Politechnika Śląska (Silesian Technical University) in Gliwice. There are regular meetings organised for students with the lecturers and professors who describe the courses organised at these universities and talk about projects which take place there.


On 9th December 2019 classes 1cs, 1as, 1ps and this-year school leavers who attend Polish and history lessons taught at the extended level had a workshop with a judge from Regional Court in Zabrze, Mr. Adam Krukowski, entitled “Now you will be the judge”. During this workshop young people saw what the court trial looks like. Students saw short films about some important cases e.g. stalking, manslaughter, mistreating animals and later they gave their verdicts. Afterwards, the judge told them what the real verdict and sentence were given in a particular case and they discussed why the defendant received such penalty. The aim of the meeing was not only to make students aware that they are legally responsible for their actions but what it really is to be a judge.

The event was organised and financed by ProPublika – a foundation from Wrocław.

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Also this year Fundation ProPublika invited our school to participate in workshops “Now you will be the judge”. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic the workshops took place online and students from four classes using an online simulator could trace back two court trials and understand what factors influence giving a particular court sentence. Then, the students could become judges themselves and feel what it is like to give a verdict.

National Concrete Poetry Competition

This year students from our school took part in a national concrete poetry competition which was organised by Powiatowy Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury in Będzin. The topic of this year’s edition was “Exclusion”. The students were to analyse this term and think about the areas of life where exclusion happens, why it happens, what emotions and feelings are connected with it. Then, they were to create a concrete poem in English, German, Spanish or Russian or a mixture of these languages.

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National Art Competition Castles and Palaces in Poland - Poland

This spring the students from our school took part in a national art competition entitled “Castles and Palaces in Poland” which was organized by Powiatowy Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury in Będzin. The students were supposed to show a Polish castle or a palace using a technique of their choice. They could draw a sketch, paint a picture, engrave or make a sculpture.

The aim of this competition was to awake creativity in children and make children active in an artistic way as well as develop their artistic sensitivity and give them the possibility to exchange their artistic experiences.

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December in Wrocław - Poland

On 11 December 2019 students from grade 1c visited Wrocław. They had a tour of Wrocław done by a professional guide who told them about the history of the city and showed them the most important buildings and sites e.g. the town hall, old market, university, cathedral etc. The students listened to the legends told by the guide which are connected with the places where were visiting. They also learned about Wrocław dwarves – small metal statutes of tiny men in caps which can be found almost everywhere in Wrocław.


On 13 December 2019 students from grades 1ps and 2c also visited this city. They had a visit in the National Museum, where the students had workshops run by the museum educators. The first graders learnt about why it is important to have museums, what museums do whereas the second graders learnt how to ‘read’, interpret and understand a work of art. Then the students had some time to explore the museum on their own. In the afternoon, the students visited the “Museum of Pan Tadeusz” where they also had lessons prepared and run by museum educators. The students from the first grade participated in workshops “Maths in history’ where they learnt about the II World War, Enigma machine, cracking codes, Polish statesmen: Władysław Bartoszewski and Jan Nowak Jeziorański and the Free Europe Radio. The other group had a workshop about Adam Mickiewicz, one of the most important Polish poet of the nineteenth century. They learnt about his life and about his most important work – the national epic poetry entitled “Pan Tadeusz”. They could see the manuscript of this work of art and the original documents connected with the poet as well as first editions of his works. The students could also try their hand at writing using a goose feather.

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Social Inclusion - Poland

Keeping in mind the objectives of the project, we organised an Amnesty International event called "The Marathon of Writing Letters". Primary schools were invited to our school where they were presented the characters of the 2019 Marathon.

They are people who desperately need help as their human rights are infringed. They are forgotten by the whole world and they try to fight for their freedom and for other human rights. Students wrote letters in these people defence.

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Social Inclusion - Poland - visiting nursing home

On 20th December 2019 a group of students from our school visited a nursing home for elderly people who cannot take care of themselves any more. The students spend a few hours with the elderly. The students prepared a meal for them which included home made Christmas delicacies like cakes, gingerbread, various salads etc. the students had brought with themselves. They talked with the older people, played musical instruments and sang carols.

It was a great experience for both sides. The elderly were touched that there are still people who remember about them and want to spend some time with them and the young understood that old people have so much to offer to the society and that they are are still human beings with the same emotions and feelings as teenagers.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On 27 January we commemorate the victims of Holocaust. Our students were impressed by the suffering of those people in Nazi's camps. The teachers presents an overview of the Holocaust through historical photographs, maps, images of artifacts, and testimony clips.

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Visiting children in hospital - Poland

On St Nicholas’ Day (6th December 2019) a group of students visited small patients suffering from various heart problems and diseases who needed to be admitted to hospital Śląskie Centrum Chorób Serca (Silesian Centre of Cardiac Diseases) in Zabrze. Students brought small presents for the children and prepared art workshops during which children made a long Christmas chain which will be hung at the corridor of the hospital ward.

Students from class 1B decided that this year they weren’t going to prepare presents for their classmates. Instead, they bought soft toys, mainly teaddy bears,  for the kids in hospital. They also brought toys which other people from school had given them.

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Class trip to Opole - Poland

On 16th June 2021 class 2ps went on a trip to Opole. One of the points of the trip was a visit to Góra Św. Anny (St. Anne’s Mountain) – a small village whose part is situated on the slopes of a hill also called Góra Św. Anny.

This place is important for the history of Silesia as during the 3rd Silesian Uprising fights took place there and these fights are commemorated by a Silesian Uprisings Monument designed by Xavery Dunikowski. During WW II Germans established a forced labour camp for Jews. The camp was located on the spot of today’s Museum of Silesian Uprisings in the village and probably some of the victims are buried there.

The place is also known for St. Anne’s Church from the end of the 15th century (later rebuilt) and a 17th century Franciscan monastery.


Polonaise dance in Zabrze - Poland

On 30th January 2020 final-year students from all secondary schools in Zabrze gathered in one of the huge squares in the town centre to take part in an annual event organized by the president of Zabrze, Mrs. Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik, where they danced the polonaise - a traditional Polish dance performed at proms. Students from our school also participated in this event. The dance was led by professional dancers from a well-known Silesian group “Śląsk”. Apart from the abovementioned polonaise, students also danced "macarena" and "belgijka" – a traditional French dance

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Poland - Lessons about Immigrants and Immigration

At the end of September 2021 class 3c had a series of lessons about immigration and immigrants. The students read a text about American Dream, which talked about Europeans emigrating to the USA. The students also listened to people who emigrated to different parts of the world and watched a film entitled "Ellis Island and immigration." At the end the students had a discussion about immigration: why people emigrate and if their lives in another country are better than the life in their home country. They also discussed if the immigrants might ever come back home.


Poland - Migrants' Exhibition

To make students aware of the fact that there are many foreigners living in Poland we prepared a display of foreigners who decided to live in Poland and make their careers here. The display shows famous foreigners from all walks of life e.g  here are dancers, cooks, actors, musicians.

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